An Empirical Analysis of The Use of Online Payment System Applications: The Perspective of The Millennial Generation


Mercurius BrotoLegowo
Fangky Antoneus Sorongan


Consumptive Behavior, Online Payment Applications, User-Generated Content, Utilization of IT


The demographic bonus that occurred in Indonesia towards society 5.0 is a challenge that makes lifestyle changes, especially for the current millennial generation. This generation learns and works in an innovative environment that relies heavily on technology to make changes in various aspects of their lives. The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical analysis of the use of online payment system applications from the perspective millennial generation.The use of user-generated content (UGC), its utilization Information Technology (IT), and consumptive behavior are the main issues and perspectives that affect millennial generation in the use of online payment applications. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative method approach. Data analysis and processing using
smartPLS software. The results of this empirical analysis from the perspective of
millennial generation show that the problem of using user -generated content (UGC), utilization of Information Technology, and consumptive behavior a re positively and significantly related to the use of online payment application. The
contribution of this research can provide insight and understanding from the perspective of the millennial generation towards society 5.0 in using online payment applications and the factors that influence it in more depth.


November 7, 2022