The Roles of Product Quality, Price, and Brand Image to Customers’ Purchase Decision Making on Wardah Cosmetic
Product Quality, Price, Brand Image, Purchase Decision, CosmeticsSynopsis
This study aims at investigating the roles of product quality, price and brand image
to customers’ purchasing decisions on Wardah cosmetic product. We collected 100
respondents as the sample of this study, that were derived from the customers of Wardah cosmetic. For analyzing the data we adopted validity test using Corrected Item-Total Correlation; and for reliability test we adopted Cronchbach's Alpha. Additionally, multiple linear regression, t test, F test and coefficient of determination were also employed in data analysis. As a result, this study indicates that the variables of product quality, price and brand image have positive and significant effects to the customers’ purchasing decision variable. In conclusion, the results show that the roles of product quality, price and brand image have affected customers’ purchasing decisions simultaneously and significantly on
Wardah cosmetic products.