Analysis of Tourism Competitiveness in Gorontalo Province


Maryam Lupoyo
Muhamad Amir Arham
Fitri Hadi Yulia Akib


Competitiveness, Tourism Index, Composite Index, Tourism Competitiveness Index


The research aimed to detemine the Anslysis of Tourism Competitiveness ini Gorontalo Province. The data sources were taken from the statistic of Indonesia and Gorontalo Provincial Tourism Office From 2016 to 2020. At the same time, it employed competitiveness Monitor (CM) analysis assisted by Microsoft Excel. The findings denoted that :1) the competitiveness level in Gorontalo Province was asfollows; a) from the tourism index of purchasing power parity and Technology Advancement indicator (TAI), it was known that Gorontalo Province had a high value. b). From the composite index, the compotitiveness level of Gorontalo Province had a Composite index value higher than indonesia, and c). From the tourism competitivenes index, the tourism competitiveness level of Gorontalo Province had high/good competitiveness ability compared to Indonesia.
2). The indicators with high influence in determining the tourism competitiveness in Gorontalo Province were tourism participation index (TPI), purchasing power parity (PPP) indicator, Environment indicator (EI), Technology Advancement indicator (TAI), Human Resources Indicator (HRI), Openness Indicator (OI). Otherwise, the indicator with low influence was the Social Development Indicator (SDI) of Gorontalo Province; thus, it did not depict good competitiveness.


November 7, 2022