Community Empowerment of Coffee Farmers Through Actors Theory Based on The Pentahelix Model as Economic Optimization in Kemiri Village, Panti District


Kamillaeni Jamillah
Yossy Eka Pradita
Sri Wahyu Lelly Hana Setyanti


ACTORS, Kemiri Village, Coffee, Pentahelix, Community Empowerment


The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of coffee farmer community empowerment through ACTORS theory based on the Pentahelix model as economic optimization of Kemiri Village, Panti District. Currently, the world is no exception, Indonesia is entering a new era, namely the era of society 5.0 to maximize economic growth. One sector that supports economic growth in Indonesia is plantations. Jember Regency is famous for its natural wealth, one of which is coffee plantations scattered throughout the region. Panti District is one of the coffee-producing areas and is included in the top 5 coffee producers with a potential harvest area of 149.70 with total coffee production in 2020 of 121.95 quintals (BPS Jember, 2021). One of the villages that have the potential for coffee is Kemiri Village. However, the existing potential has not been able to improve the standard of living of the community, especially coffee farmers (observation results, 2022). This problem can certainly be overcome and has relevance through ACTORS Theory (Authority, Confident, Trust, Opportunity, Responsibilities, & Support) which can be implemented for Kemiri Village coffee farmers so that they are more
empowered and support their standard of living. The implementation of comprehensive community empowerment certainly requires a model that will create an optimal continuity of the roles of Academic, Business, Community, Government, and Media, known as the Pentahelix model. This research was conducted using a qualitative type with purposive and snowball sampling. The primary data was obtained through interviews and direct observation of the object of research. Secondary data is indirect data obtained from publications, documentation, journals, and other official documents. Through this research,
it is hoped that researchers will be able to analyze the application of community
empowerment for coffee farmers to be able to support the economy of the local community.


November 7, 2022