The Influence of Brand Equity, Price, and Service on The Purchase Decision of Honda Motorcycles at Dinamika Motor Dealer in Kupang City


Guido J. Lalawar
, Ronald P.C Fanggidae
Yosefina K.I.D.D Dhae


Brand Equity, Price, Service, Purchase Decisions


This research is entitled The Influence of Brand Equity, Price, and Service on Purchase Decisions for Honda Motorcycles at Dinamika Motor Dealer in Kupang City. The study aims to determine the effect of Brand Equity, Price, and Service on Purchase decisions for Honda Motorcycles at Dinamika Motor Dealers in Kupang City. The research method used in this research was survey with a quantitative approach with the associative method. Collecting data using questionnaire with a total of 100 respondents who are the consumer of the Dinamika Motor Dealer in Kupang City. The questionnaire data was processed using SPSS V.28.0 and was analysed using linear regression analysis, hypothesis test (uji T and Uji F). The study results showed that Brand Equity, Price, and Service were partially influence the purchasing decision respectively. Further, based on F hypothesis test, Brand
Equity, Price, and Service simultaneously influence the purchasing decision of buying Honda motor bike at Dinamika Motor Dealer in Kupang City.


November 7, 2022