Improving the Discipline of Paramedics through Reward and Punishment


Rila Septiana Hanapi
Heldy Vanni Alam
Syamsul B Biki


Work Discipline, Reward, Punishment


An organization growing and developing is heavily dependent on human resources. No matter how good the facilities and infrastructure, facilities, and other resources in the organization without being accompanied by reliable human resources will not mean anything. Therefore, the role of human resources is strongly felt for the achievement of optimal performance of an organization. The performance demands are strongly felt especially in hospital organizations that certainly require serious attention, especially in terms of providing medical services. One of the things that need to be taken seriously is to improve the work discipline of its employees to provide optimal service for patients. One of the efforts through this research is to try to review several indicators that are considered capable of contributing to the improvement of work discipline, namely rewards and punishments. The purpose of this study is: to find out the effect of reward and punishment on the work discipline of RSIA paramedic employees Sitti Khadijah Gorontalo. This type of research is a survey with a quantitative approach. The data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to 54 respondents consisting of 30 midwives and 24 nurses. Data is processed using the help of the SPSS program and analyzed with Multiple Regression.

The results showed that: 1) partial ecara reward has a significant influence on the work discipline of paramedic employees in RSIA Sitti Khadijah Gorontalo City; 2) spartial punishment does not have a significant effect on the work discipline of paramedic employees in RSIA Sitti Khadijah Gorontalo City; 3) reward and punishment simultaneously had a significant effect on disiplin kerja paramedic in RSIA "Sitti Khadijah" Gorontalo City.


November 7, 2022