The Role of Entrepreneurial Marketing on Marketing Performance Through Marketing Capabilities of SMEs


Zakiyah Zahara
Ali Murad
Cikal Rambasae N


Entrepreneurial Marketing, Marketing Capabilities, UMKM


Today entrepreneurial skill have a vital role for SMEs to improve marketing performance
and used as a competitive advantage to enhance the business competition. This study aims
to analyze more deeply the influence of entrepreneurial marketing on marketing performance through the role of marketing capabilities of SMEs. The quantitative-descriptive research that the researcher uses to determine the relationship between each
variable was supported by a descriptive explanation. A total of 80 SMEs actors were sampled with a withdrawal technique using the Yamane and Isaac formula. After the data
was collected, then analyzed using path analysis with the help of software SmartPLS. The
results show that entrepreneurial marketing and marketing capabilities significant effect
on marketing performance, as well as marketing capabilities indirectly mediate a significant relationship between entrepreneurial marketing on marketing performance. The
results and implications are attached


November 7, 2022